Leadership Enhancement
- Conducting of Training Courses for Fresh Graduates
- Conducting of Training Courses for Management Staff
Human Resource Support
- Setting Up of Human Resource Policies and Procedures
- Setting Up of Human Resource System
- Assisting in Selection of Senior Management Staff
- Development of Letters of Employment, Confirmation and Termination
- Advising on Personnel insurance matters
Business & General Management Support
- Development of Strategic Plans, Restructuring Plans
- Facilitate Clients in their Overseas Investments
- Revamp and Set Up Organisational Structure of Clients' companies
- Preparation of Business Proposals, Business Presentations, Tender Proposals
- Preparation of Report on the Analysis and Summary of Market Research
- Development of Marketing Strategies
- Conduct Market Research, Feasibility Studies, Evaluation of Projects
- Develop Company Policies and Procedures
- Help Clients readdress their Corporate Image
- Prepare Critical Business Letters and E-mails, Draft Minutes of Meetings
- Assist Clients in their Recruitment Exercise by interviewing and selecting candidates, setting up Training Programmes for their personnel
Corporate Secretarial Support
- Registration of Companies
- Act as named Company Secretary for Clients' companies
- Prepare constitutions
- Make changes to constitutions
- Prepare Statutory Forms to record corporate change
- Re-structure share capital
- Prepare Directors' Resolutions
- Organise all aspects of Annual General Meetings and other company general meeting
- Prepare Notice of Meetings
- Prepare Minutes of Directors' Meeting
- Arrange searches for companies registered in Singapore and other countries
- Prepare Corporate Seals
- Prepare Share Certificates
- Application of Companies' Names
Accounting and Finance Support
- Preparation of Accounts and Financial Statements
- Preparation of Budgets, Costing
- Set Up Accounting Policies
- Audit Stock-Take done by Clients
- Preparation of GST submissions for Clients
- Analyse Financial Reports
- Prepare Valuation of Shares
- Preparation of Loan Proposals & Application of Loans
Project Management
- Management of Building Projects